What performers (and audience) have said ...
Shazia Mirza says,

"It was a pleasure performing at your club, I loved it, thankyou so
much for having me. The audience were wonderful."
much for having me. The audience were wonderful."
Jo Enright says,

'The LaughingSole has it all. Wonderful acts, wonderful atmosphere in the audience and it's all an overflow of Helen's wonderful love of comedy and community.'
And from our audience
"I would have paid double the entrance fee. THANK YOU for one of
the best nights out in my 50 year life so far ! Robert
'Just wanted to say thanks - it was a great evening
- just the right therapy on our day off !'
'Tuesday night was my first time at
the comedy gig and it was good fun; went home with a belly full of laughs :-)
Not to mention the chips and garlic bread !' Manjula
the best nights out in my 50 year life so far ! Robert
'Just wanted to say thanks - it was a great evening
- just the right therapy on our day off !'
'Tuesday night was my first time at
the comedy gig and it was good fun; went home with a belly full of laughs :-)
Not to mention the chips and garlic bread !' Manjula